Why I Chose To Start A Blog

As a teenager, i was told to write a book to tell my story. At the time i thought: No way!

I find that i am the type of person that likes to keep my personal life, just that, personal. But the more i think about it the more i had wished that i could share my story… The more i wished i could talk to someone with similar stories and the more good i could do sharing it rather than keeping it in.

I stared this blog looking to work from home. And i read an incredible blog about a woman that started blogging just to connect to the world, and soon after found herself making a little extra money from just writing.I thought to myself, that is just what i want to do… This inspired me to look into blogging a little more. So i did a little research.. I read about others who started their blog and insisted that the best way to write a blog is to write about something that you are very strong about. My child hood was not something that i enjoy writing about.. But the fact that i have become a strong adult with two beautiful children, a home that finally feels like home, and a wonderful man that makes me feel more love than i ever thought was possible. Makes me want to share my story with the world.

My struggles with child abuse, counseling, being a single mother, trying to help my troubled little boy, and much more.

My goal is to write at least one blog every day. To share my past my present and my goals for the future. Please, if you think that we might have anything in common or you wish to hear my story, follow or comment on my blog.


2 thoughts on “Why I Chose To Start A Blog

  1. It sounds like you have a very moving story to tell. Opening yourself up to the world can be a very scary thing to do, but I think it’s often worthwhile. Good luck with your blogging journey!


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