It might be more than just a cold…

When you call the doctor with concerns about your baby… They might have symptoms like a cough, a runny nose, congested, diarrhea, vomiting, and/or a fever.

It seems like you always get the same response…

Make sure they have plenty of warm fluids, put them in the bathroom and run the hot water (the steam helps), use a humidifier, give them nasal drops three times a day (the spray is the best), Tylenol if they have a fever.

It almost makes you not want to call them, its like you know their response even before you call.

A few days ago my 9 month old ran a fever of 102.6. I took her clothes off of her, and gave her some Tylenol. As I held her and tried to sooth her to get her to sleep. I noticed that her skin didn’t seem as hot. A few hours later I checked her temperature, and it was back to normal. Just for her Daddy’s piece of mind we brought her in for a doctors appointment to check on her. It turns out…. It was an ear infection.

Even though it was not necessary to bring her in that night.. I’m glad we bought her in the morning. What we had thought was simply a cold, could have easily gotten worse.

I now feel that… Even though it can get frustrating, calling every time and getting the same answers…. It is important to call, and I will continue to do so every time I am worried about either one of me children.

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